Each impact criteria should have a numeric value and a definition for each value. This generally means ensuring that things continue to conform to requirements in the face of real world conditions. The term equipment reliability and maintenance (ERM) encompasses not only equipment, such as machines, tools, and fixtures, but also the technical, operational, and management activities, ranging from equipment specifications to daily operation and maintenance, required to sustain the performance of manufacturing equipment throughout its useful life. Based on the numeric product/value the assets are divided into three major groups: Numerous approaches exist to evaluate the failure modes for a system or an asset but the most common ones on the industry are: It is essential to evaluate the benefits vs. the investment to implement the suggested actions before allocating resources to perform the reliability studies to a piece of equipment. Measurement 3. Troubleshooting is trying to discover the physical or equipment cause of the failure. Reliability is the probability that a system performs correctly during a specific time duration. Every improvement process needs a way to measure success and make decisions based on empirical data. Example: Calculating Reliability of a Series System. A Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a tool that can help maintain records and data of the assets such as: Once a system or process is established to retrieve the asset performance data a recurrent visual or numeric representation must be generated to measure the performance of the equipment and identify if the changes that were implemented are delivering the expected results. Three subsystems are reliability-wise in series and make up a system. Among the most commonly used measurements that managers can put into practice to determine performance are: • mean time to repair (MTTR) • mean time between failure (MTBF) • availability. Subsystem 1 has a reliability of 99.5%, subsystem 2 has a reliability of 98.7% and subsystem 3 has a reliability of 97.3% for a mission of 100 hours. Continue with example of the AHU. S F. ∆ = * λ( ) For example, if there are 200 surviving components after 400 seconds, and 8 components fail over the next 10 seconds, the failure rate after 400 seconds is given by λ (400) = 8 / (200 x 10) = 0.004 = 0.4% This simply means that 0.4% of the surviving components fail in each second. Find the reliability of the module. Class A equipment – Most critical Assets. But for this data to be of any use, the tests must possess certain properties like reliability and validity, that ensure unbiased, accurate, and authentic results. In this example, because the Weibull distribution is not a symmetrical distribution, the MTTFs do not correspond to the 50 th percentile of failures. This measurement expresses the probability that an asset can perform its intended function satisfactorily when needed in a stated environment. In other words, reliability of a system will be high at its initial state of operation and gradually reduce to its lowest magnitude over time. Reliability Distributions I suggest you start with the “low hanging fruits” and built on top of those. What should be done if a suitable proactive task cannot be found? The result is 300 operating hours. Is the probability that an asset, item, or unit will perform its prescribed duty without failure for a given time in a specified environment. If you are a mining company, your best site may be 7 percent and worst site may be over 20 percent. All research is conducted via the use of scientific tests and measures, which yield certain observations and data. Not all failures can be prevented by maintenance. To this point, best maintenance strategies for medical equipment in their operating context have not been considered. Next week, we will cover the use of a RCM methodology designed for industry which will deliver significant improvements in … The reason I do these things is that I want to improve in some way. F or decades, oil analysis has been considered a cornerstone for predictive maintenance programs in a variety of industries. The equation is straightforward: the total repair time divided by the number of repairs or replacement events. Typical resume examples for this job mention duties like testing processes, identifying low performance areas, determining ways to cut costs, making inspections on the field, and reporting to … ... and the equipment used all affect reliability. What is the overall reliability of the system for a 100-hour mission? A Reliability program is designed to increase the availability and performance of the plant’s equipment by identifying potential failures and eliminating their cause or minimizing the possibility of failure and its impact. These measurements enable managers to track equipment, personnel and reliability performance. Impact criteria to be considered are: This exercise should be conducted with a facilitator that will guide a multidisciplinary team. It is calculated by dividing the total operating time of the asset by the number of failures over a given period of time. Modeling 2. Performed an Assets Criticality Assessment to identify work areas for maintenance reliability improvement actions. The system can be large or small, but the function of the system, and its inputs and outputs, should be known. However, if you are a pharmaceutical company, your best-to-worst plant may range from 1.5 to 6 percent. There is a generally accepted availability standard of 95 percent for equipment, but mission- critical equipment in facilities requires a much higher level of availability. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). In this liability form, they are informed of releasing liability and instructions or conditions in handling the borrowed equipment. This is a considerable difference in reliability. Let’s start by exploring what is the intention of a Reliability Program. Most computer equipment therefore has some form of cooling, ranging from a simple fan to forced chilled air cooling. PM optimization- an in-depth evaluation of maintenance job plans for the asset that takes into consideration failure history and operators/mechanics experience to supplement data available. 1 shows the pumphouse Secondary Function- what is embedded in its function such as safety, ergonomics, efficiency, compliance, etc. Inventory Turns. The main goal of the operator asset care program is: This is where some organizations do not follow through and do not reap the benefits of the reliability program. I’m a triathlete, so I measure an unusual amount of stuff. The equipment, however, is a mix of vintages from the 1950s to the 1970s, causing concern for system reliability due to the age of the equipment. By continuing with the above example of the AHU, its availability is: 300 divided by 360. A manager needs to ensure the availability of the AHU for the next 72 hours. Reliability Testing can be categorized into three segments, 1. So the MTTR is one hour. The criticality analysis provides a ranking of all equipment in a plant according to the level of importance and its probability of failure. It is recommended to include departments that directly or indirectly have an interest in the equipment reliability such as, finance, quality, safety/environmental, among others. For example, reliability can develop the following lists: top 10 list of defective equipment — based on maintenance and lost opportunities bad actors — equipment with three or more failures in a two-year period repeat offenders — equipment with repeated failures in the past six months. MTTR. Everyone who has worked in a complex organizational structure like that required in manufacturing knows that there is a need to constantly fight against the tendency towards thinking in silos. Since additional pumps were added to the original system, there was also a concern as to whether the overall system reliability was prop-erly considered with each addition. Whatever you call it — metrics, measurements, or key performance indicators (KPI) — maintenance and engineering managers must have performance measurements in place either to validate that the work their staffs are performing in achieving the departments’ goals and objectives or to identify opportunities for continuous improvement. For example, the function of a conveyor belt system is to transport goods. research in the area of reliability engineering for medical equipment mainly considers the devices in their design or manufacturing stage and suggests some techniques to improve the reliability. The probability that a PC in a store is up and running for eight hours without crashing is 99%; this is referred as reliability. The target will be zero failures, Class B equipment – Demand for maximum availability is required, Class C equipment – Maintenance task must be kept to a minimum. We streamline any production and manufacturing process by applying a blend of proven methodologies such as Six Sigma Lean, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)  and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Incident & service metrics. Sometimes referred to as maintainability, MTTR is the measure of the department’s ability to perform maintenance to retain or restore assets to a specified condition. Accept Failures. For example, a simple processor such as a sequencer allows multiple compressors to communicate with one another and coordinate demand to improve each machine’s operating efficiency and extend equipment … The information gained during the troubleshooting is added to a SnapCharT® Diagram that displays what happened. Oil Analysis and Its Role In Equipment Reliability. Equipment Reliability Institute (ERI) offers specialized technical short course training in Shock and Vibration Testing, Climatics Testing and MIL-STD-810 Testing. Maximize overall operating effectiveness of assets, Build a culture of pride and ownership in the workplace, Early detection, correction, and prevention of deterioration and avoidance of failure, Maintenance work performed on the equipment, Improvement of output, product quality, and customer service, Greater safety and environmental compliance, An asset historical database for performance monitoring and future improvements, Sense of ownership from operators and maintenance personnel. For example, in the calculation of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) introduced by Nakajima [], it is necessary to estimate a crucial parameter called availability.This is strictly related to reliability. From a maintenance and reliability perspective, an example of using this type of informative inspection would be performing Weibull analysis to constantly adjust the maintenance strategy for a piece of equipment or system within the plant. The study of component and process reliability is the basis of many efficiency evaluations in Operations Management discipline. The following are reliability engineering techniques and considerations. During this correct operation, no repair is required or performed, and the system adequately follows the defined performance specifications. Act on the recommendations and opportunities identified. What are the functions and associated performance standards of the asset in its present operating context? Reliability is the ability of things to perform over time in a variety of expected conditions. For example, one of the key factors affecting the reliability of electronic components and systems is temperature – basically the higher the temperature of the device the higher the failure rate. Some of the recommendations will be easy to implement and others will require a project to be implemented. It encompasses availability, performance, and quality, and when used correctly is removing waste. Utilizing hydraulic energy from the flow of a river or stream, the Noria utilized buckets to transfer water to troughs, viaducts and other distribution devices to irrigate fi… (Learn more about availability metrics and the 9s of availability.) The result is 78.68 percent. This translates into an availability of 90% but a reliability of less than 1 hour. After years of operating, many CPI plants lose track of the main goals of their maintenance program. What can be done to predict or prevent each failure? Time and usage can decrease a machine’s performance and you don’t want to learn this fact by having one of your employees be the victim of an equipment-related mishap. RCM or Reliability Centered Maintenance is an effective approach for determining the appropriate strategy based on this understanding of equipment failures. This step is crucial since it creates the foundation for a well-implemented reliability program that will yield remarkable improvements in reliability and performance. The result is 300 operating hours. If we discover that the impellor on a double volute pump was installed backward, we have completed the troubleshooting of … This chapter addresses all causes of … To perform a thorough … The actual percentiles can be calculated using the reliability function. Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - Equipment Reliability - INPO - George Manaskie.pptx Author: e25854 Created Date: 6/27/2017 7:06:30 PM Is anyone else like me? This is a considerable difference in reliability. The AHU’s blower unit has failed 12 times over this period. If the number of components is reduced to 200, what Taking the example of the AHU above, the calculation to determine MTBF is: 3,600 hours divided by 12 failures. In what ways does it fail to fulfill its functions? As goes our personal lives, so goes our work. A traceability matrix must be maintained to keep track of the recommendations that were implemented. Primary Function- usually explain what the intention was for acquiring the asset. Reliability Engineers are in charge of optimizing manufacturing processes by using their engineering knowledge. In this example, because the Weibull distribution is not a symmetrical distribution, the MTTFs do not correspond to the 50 th percentile of failures. What is the probability of failure? It is a maintenance best practice to maintain the asset historical data archive for future evaluation. At times, managers need to calculate the probability that a piece of equipment will fail. For managers, measuring and monitoring their departments’ activities is essential in determining the way that these activities affect the facility’s overall condition and performance. The user (operations) and the keeper (maintenance) must participate in this exercise since they fully understand what contribution each asset makes to the organization. The Noria, for instance, is an ancient pump thought to be the world’s first sophisticated machine. May 2017 Special Focus: Maintenance and Reliability Equipment critical analysis: The need for an effective maintenance program. That may be okay in some circumstances but what if this is a paper machine? To calculate availability, use the formula of MTBF divided by (MTBF + MTTR). Equipment Reliability Institute (ERI) offers specialized technical short course training in Shock and Vibration Testing, Climatics Testing and MIL-STD-810 Testing. Every part of the organization is serving the same corporate goals and objectives even though each part is playing a vastly different role and carries different responsibilities. The calculation for this is: R(t) = e (-t), where: •e is the weighted average value of a random variable, or the expected value. Although centrifugal compressors are less exposed than their axial counterparts, field experience has shown that inlet guide vanes and impellers can fail under very specific circumstances. Life-cycle long, holistic equipment health is a different way to think about what needs to be done to make operations successful. Sometimes this global goal is expressed in t… MTBF is a basic measure of an asset’s reliability. Develop a maintenance strategy based on equipment criticality- RCM, PMO or RTF. In the AHU example, the MTBF is 300, so 1 divided by 300 is 0.00333. Technicians can extend the equipment’s availability by increasing its reliability. Before discussing how reliability and availability are calculated, let’s understand the incident service metrics used in these calculations. Assemble a multidisciplinary team to participate in the equipment reliability process. See the example below. One of the goals of this process is to define the functions of each asset by asking these two questions: Is the asset capable of doing what the users expect it to do? The first step is to select the piece of equipment for reliability-centered maintenance analysis. Availability. 17 Examples of Reliability posted by John Spacey, January 26, 2016 updated on February 06, 2017. Oil refineries and large petrochemical plants contain thousands of pieces of process and utilities equipment that are subject to wear, erosion, deterioration, aging, etc., resulting in increasing breakdowns and outages. The equipment belongs to a system that performs a crucial function. Tracking the reliability of facility equipment can help maintain and decrease time spent on repairs. Durability To perform a thorough reliability exercise on a system or assets we should answer these seven basics questions: As you can imagine, these questions cannot be answered by the maintenance personnel on their own since some are closely related to the user intended function. To see improvements, the recommendations that identified needs to be implemented. MTBF is a basic measure of an asset’s reliability. A pacemaker, for example, is expected to perform without failure during its useful life. I don’t think that we can ever escape measuring, tracking or following things. Testing classes are applicable to all commercial, military and aerospace requirements. For example, Supplier 1's reliability at 10,000 miles is 36.79%, whereas Supplier 2's reliability at 10,000 miles is 50.92%. Taking the total time to repair the unit and dividing that number by the number of failures produces an average time to repair the unit of 60 minutes. Reliability engineering is the design, production and operation of things to retain their quality over time. The optimal maintenance and reliability program for a plant provides the right maintenance on the right assets at the right time. Let’s use “maintenance cost/replacement asset value” as an example. Availability. Taking the example of the AHU above, the calculation to determine MTBF is: 3,600 hours divided by 12 failures. Equipment reliability is about a client taking legal accountability of any damage or loss that comes to the equipment they borrow. The chart on this page shows the follow times to repair. Institutionalize a program that engages operators with equipment reliability focus goals. Probability of failure. Next week, we will cover the use of a RCM methodology designed for industry which will deliver significant improvements in … For example, Supplier 1's reliability at 10,000 miles is 36.79%, whereas Supplier 2's reliability at 10,000 miles is 50.92%. Reliability follows an exponential failure law, which means that it reduces as the time duration considered for reliability calculations elapses. In these studies, graphical and analytical techniques have been used to fit probability distributions for the characterization of failure data, and reliability assessments of repairable mining machines have been reported in these papers. Our Facilities Services main goal is to provide operating savings by proactively maintaining the premises and supporting systems in optimal conditions. An example is misalignment leads to bearing overload, then to lubrication breakdown, then to metallic stress due to bearing wear, followed by bearing failure, and finally to equipment failure. Using the SnapCharT® Diagram is also taught on Day 1. For example, a 99.999% (Five-9’s) availability refers to 5 minutes and 15 seconds of downtime per year. I prefer total effective equipment performance (TEEP) which is based on 365 days x 24 hours availability, so the focus can truly be on continuous improvement. Some failures are the result of … For example, a facility is responsible for maintaining a standard air-handling unit (AHU) that has operated for 3,600 hours over the past two years. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t measure something. This measurement typically is expressed in hours. This calculation gets a little more complicated mathematically. “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”, said Peter Drucker. The availability will not improve unless changes are made to upgrade the asset. , efficiency, maintenance Cost and equipment reliability Institute ( ERI ) offers specialized short! This page shows the follow times to repair and Conference measurements enable to!, use the formula of MTBF divided by the number of failures a! 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